Mobile Twitter

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If you're having trouble with or Twitter on desktop, check out these troubleshooting tips for common issues. Using Twitter Managing your account Safety and security Rules and policies Guides. — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) April 21, 2021 At around the same time this past March, Twitter started testing full-sized picture previews with a small subset of Android and iOS users. The latest Tweets from FIFA Mobile (@EAFIFAMOBILE). Official EA SPORTS account for #FIFAMobile and the Development Team. Please contact @EAHelp for tech support. Twitter, San Francisco, CA. 16,257,562 likes 28,387 talking about this. What's happening? Twitter makes it easy to control which types of mobile notifications you want to enable. Below is a list of some of the notification types you can elect to receive: Mentions of your account (including photos you are tagged in).

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Mobile Twitter

Twitter is a platform to find out what’s happening in the world. It has 328million monthly active users around the world who consume, create and shareinformation. With over 80% of users on mobile, Twitter wanted their mobile webexperience to be faster, more reliable, and more engaging. The Twitter LiteProgressive Web App combines the best of the modern web and native features. Itbecame the default mobile web experience for all users globally in April 2017.Twitter developed Twitter Lite to deliver a more robust experience, withexplicit goals for instant loading, user engagement and lower data consumption.

  • 65% increase in pages per session
  • 75% increase in Tweets sent
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate

Nicolas Gallagher, the Engineering Lead for Twitter Lite, notes:

Twitter Lite is now the fastest, least expensive, and most reliable wayto use Twitter. The web app rivals the performance of our native apps butrequires less than 3% of the device storage space compared to Twitterfor Android.

Increasing engagement with “Add to Homescreen” prompt and web push notifications

Twitter’s website reaches millions of users, but it’s traditionally beendifficult to re-engage users on the mobile web. After implementing the “Add toHomescreen” prompt asking users to save Twitter Lite to their homescreens,Twitter has seen 250,000 unique daily users launch Twitter Lite from thehomescreen 4 times a day on average.

Twitter implemented web push notifications that work the same as those fromnative apps and arrive even if the user’s browser is closed. The implementationis delivering over 10M push notifications a day.

Lowering data consumption

Twitter Lite uses less data by default, serving smaller media resources andrelying on cached data as much as possible. The PWA also optimizes images tohelp reduce data consumption by as much as 70% as users scroll through theirtimelines. Thedata saver modehelps users preserve even more mobile data by giving them control over whenTwitter Lite downloads media assets.

Reaching a broad set of users is important for Twitter, including those inemerging markets where lower download speeds and less powerful mobile devicesare common. Twitter Lite helps reach this audience more effectively by makingTwitter faster and easier to use in low-bandwidth conditions.

Twitter Lite users benefit from data consumption savings; the PWA is only 600KBover the wire vs. 23.5MB of downloaded data needed to install the native Androidapp.

Nearly instant loading with service worker scripts

First loads for Twitter Lite clock in at under 5 seconds over 3G networks onmost devices, and subsequent loads are nearly instant, even on flaky networks.The app streams the initial HTML response to the browser, sending instructionsto preload critical resources. Resources are broken up into granular pieces sothat the initial load only requires the resources needed for the visible screen.A service worker script caches additional resources, enabling fast navigation toother screens.

Mobile accounts for over 80% of Twitter’s usage, with many Twitter Lite usersreaching the site via 2G or 3G networks. A fast user experience on first loadand subsequent views is essential for enabling users to view and create Tweetsas quickly as possible. Twitter rolled out intelligent loading strategies likeservice workers and parts of the PRPL (Push, Render, Pre-cache and Lazy-load) pattern to dramaticallyreduce load times for both activities. Repeat visits are nearly instant thanksto service worker caching of current views, feed updates, notifications,messages and settings. Twitter Lite users experience a 50% reduction in 99thpercentile time-to-interactive latency and logged in users have a 30% reductionin average load time.

Twitter adopted an incremental approach to leveraging service workers foroffline and network resilience, starting with a custom offline page presentedwhenever a network connection wasn’t available. Next, they transitioned tooffline caching of static resources like CSS, images and JavaScript bundles tospeed up repeat visits. Lastly, they added support for offline caching of theirapplication shell. The result:Twitter Lite boots up in under 3 seconds when a user returns to the PWA, even onslow mobile devices or networks.

Further Reading


  • Using Twitter
    • Tweets
  • Managing your account
    • Login and password
  • Safety and security
    • Security and hacked accounts
  • Rules and policies
    • Twitter Rules and policies
Mobile Twitter

Mobile notifications are updates and information sent to your mobile device, alerting you to what’s happening on Twitter.

You can choose which notifications you want to receive


Twitter makes it easy to control which types of mobile notifications you want to enable. Below is a list of some of the notification types you can elect to receive:

  • Mentions of your account (including photos you are tagged in)
  • Replies
  • Retweets of your Tweets
  • Likes
  • New followers
  • Direct Messages
  • Your contacts who join Twitter
  • Recommendations
  • Highlights
  • News
  • Moments
  • Crisis and emergency alerts
  • First look at new features
  • Turn on Tweet notifications from accounts you follow whose Tweets or live videos you don’t want to miss.

Push notifications delivered through the Twitter for iOS app

Mobile Twitter

To adjust push notifications:

  1. In the top menu, tap your profile icon.
  2. Select Settings and privacy.
  3. Tap Notifications, then tap Push notifications and select which types of notifications you would like to receive.
    Tip: Check out our iOS troubleshooting instructions.

To receive notifications when an account you follow Tweets or broadcasts live video:

  1. From the account profile, tap the notification icon
  2. Choose between two notification types: All Tweets or Only Tweets with live video.
  3. Tap your selection.

To view Tweet notifications from accounts you follow:

  1. In the top menu, tap your profile icon.
  2. Select Settings and privacy.
  3. Tap Notifications, then tap Push notifications.
  4. Tap Tweets.

To cancel Tweet notifications from accounts you follow:

  1. From the account profile, tap the highlighted notification icon
  2. Select None.

Push notifications delivered through the Twitter for Android app

Important: Please update to the latest version of Twitter for Android now available from Google Play. The app may take a few minutes to reflect changes you've made to your notification settings.

Mobile Twitter

To adjust push notifications:

  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have and select Settings and privacy.
  2. Tap Notifications.
  3. Tap Push notifications and select which types of notifications you would like to receive.

To receive notifications when an account you follow Tweets or broadcasts live video:

  1. From the account profile, tap the notification icon
  2. Check the box next to Account notifications.
  3. From the pop-up message, choose between two notification types: All Tweets or Only live video.
  4. Tap your selection.

To view Tweet notifications from accounts you follow:

  1. In the top menu, you will either see a navigation menu icon or your profile icon. Tap whichever icon you have and select Settings and privacy.
  2. Under Notifications, tap Push notifications.
  3. Tap Tweets.

To cancel Tweet notifications from accounts you follow:

  1. From the account profile, tap the highlighted notification icon
  2. Select None.

Mobile Twitter Trump

If you’ve reached the device limit for push notifications:
If you've received an error message letting you know you can only have 25 devices attached to your account, that means you've reached the limit and you won't be able to create new push destinations. You can clear push destinations that are no longer in use by following these steps:

  1. Sign in to on a desktop or laptop computer.
  2. From your profile icon, click on Settings and privacy.
  3. Click on Apps.
  4. Revoke access to the Twitter for Android app.
  5. Next, visit your Apps settings on your Android mobile device.
  6. Select the Twitter app and tap Uninstall.
    Note: Your account is not deleted if you uninstall the app from your device.
  7. Next, from your Android mobile device, visit the Google Play store and search for Twitter.
  8. Install the Twitter for Android app.
  9. Once you’ve opened the app and signed in to your account, visit your Settings and privacy to reset your push notifications.

Notifications on Kindle Fire or other tablet: Search-home

  • Notifications are not push compatible on tablets even if Twitter for Android is installed.
  • The notification setting relies on the sync setting and sync Interval to determine when the app pulls for new mentions, likes, Retweets, new followers, Direct Messages, or Tweets.
  • Notifications will only appear when the device is active; no notifications appear when the device's screen turns off or goes to standby, but will appear in the status bar once the device is activated.

Mobile Twitter Site

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